Below is a TO DO List Jim Collins gave each of us at Catalyst '11. it is awesome if we follow it. These won't make a lot of sense without reading my previous 4 posts or hearing Collins' talk.
1 Go HERE and run the Good to Great diagnostic on you, your team, and your organization. This is a vital evaluation process.
2 Answer these Questions = how many seats do you have on your bus and what is your plan to have 100% of those seats filled with the right people in 1 year?
3 WHO will you allow to mentor me? Build a personal board of directors.
4 Get your personal HEDGEHOG right before it's too late. (a Good to Great principle = the coming together of your passion, design, and how you can make a difference.)
5 Once you have your Hedgehog, set your 20 mile march and stick to it! (Collins set weekly time goals.) What is your organization's 20 mile march?
6 Fire at least 6 new bullets by the end of the year. Navigate uncertainty with bullets.
7 Turn off electronic gadgets at least 2 days every 2 weeks. now that is a biggie! (it's impossible to "be present" with your iPhone in hand.) we need to be focused and gadgets rob us of our focs.
8 STOP Doing List. "True disciplined action is not what we choose to do, but what we choose not to do." *maybe you find it kind of ironic to have an item on your to do list that says "have a stop doing list" ? maybe humorous, but vital.
9 Double your reach to people half your age ALWAYS by changing your practices without changing your values.
10 Set a BHAG that makes you really useful. (big hairy audacious goal)
Blog Archive
- Unexpected Christmas Store!
- Understanding Newt Gingrich’s 21st Century Contrac...
- Understanding Newt Gingrich's 21st Century Contrac...
- all i want for Christmas (& my birthday)
- Understanding Newt Gingrich’s 21st Century Contrac...
- personal spiritual momentum
- Obama Again Blames Someone Else for Debt Deal
- i'm thankful for... (off the top of my head)
- The True Story of Thanksgiving by Rush Limbaugh
- 2 new lungs for my mom
- Reactions to the CNN – Heritage Foundation Debate
- Cain Drops in Polls, Harassment Stories Disappear?
- she's amazing
- Here Comes Newt Gingrich
- Seriously, PETA? Mario Brothers?
- what do YOU call people when they sell you out?
- Understanding the Supreme Court Obamacare Review
- worst parent i've ever seen
- Just because a business has money, doesn’t mean th...
- not a whole lot
- What the Media ISN'T Telling You in the Cain Scandal
- useful
- Reactions to the CBS-National Journal Debate
- another reason why i blog
- writing again...
- a Good to Great TO DO list
- Tea Party Meeting in Rochester, NY Results in ZERO...
- creativity, innovation, & pioneering
- Reactions to the CNBC “Your Money, Your Vote” Debate
- straight butta
- Cain Accusations Would Never Hold Up in Court
- 3 traits in great leaders
- 9% Unemployment is Still Terrible
- 20 mile march'n it again...
- Reactions to the Cain-Gingrinch "Lincoln-Douglas" ...
- Between the Debates - Checking in on the GOP Race
- Dear President Obama: We're better off on our own!
- No, Rick Perry Wasn't Drunk...Move On
- mixing it in
- Left Breaks Out Same Tired Playbook on Herman Cain
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