quotes of the week #40

quotes of the week #40!

“I have become convinced that Jesus’ worldview is better than ours.” – Brian McLaren

“Our greatest threat is that in reaching secular people we will fail to offer them anything specifically Christian…” – Bryan Stone

there is no such thing as a gospel which is not already culturally shaped
The only way in which the gospel can challenge our culturally conditioned interpretations of it is through the witness of those who read the Bible with minds shaped by other cultures. We have to listen to others.– Lesslie Newbigin

“Put your money where your vision is.” – Andy Stanley

"Jesus forgets your sins, but church people don't." – Perry Noble

“You have achieved excellence as a leader when people will follow you everywhere if only out of curiousity.” – Colin Powell

“Either the size of your vision will determine the size of your budget or the size of your budget will determine the size of your vision.” – Mark Batterson

“If time is money then that makes life become money.” - Brian McLaren

“While I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God that brings salvation (Rom. 1:16), I am ashamed of the way many Christians have presented the gospel.” – Dan Kimball

any favorites?