I can hear it now, primarily from wimpy moderate Republicans, bemoaning how Governor Mitt Romney picked a "lightening rod" like Paul Ryan for his running mate. I'm hear to give you a newsflash, friends: The Left would've attacked ANY Republican this way! It's what they do.
Don't believe me? Remember how the Drive-By Media treated John McCain BEFORE he was the Republican nominee? He was their favorite Republican, on account of what a wimp he was on many important issues. They loved the McCain-Feingold Law and it's restriction of Freedom of Speech. Then he became the Republican nominee, specifically running against the Drive-By Media darling and liberal "Messiah" Barack Obama. They ramped up the same laundry list of attacks they always pull out.
The reality is the Left has no new ideas. It's always some form of "The Republicans are mean spirited! The Republicans want old people to die! The Republicans want to take away your XYZ!"
The only advantage the selection of Paul Ryan gave the Left was about a ten minute head start. That's it. Fact of the matter is Governor Romney could've picked Santa Claus and liberals would similarly bemoan the choice. I can hear it now:
"The Romney/Claus ticket is biased against non-Christians!" (Because, remember, atheist liberals are laboring under the ridiculous impression that Santa has anything to do with Christianity for some reason. Don't look for logic. They're liberals.)
Bottom line: Mitt made a good choice. Don't let panic set in. In fact, be excited! Governor Romney made a bold choice to actually be strongly conservative! He didn't chicken out as I feared he would! Remember back in July when we talked about the running mate potentials (The Good, the Bad and the Wild Cards)? He actually picked someone from the Good List!
As far as attack ads? Well, the Left would've done this anyway, whether we picked a wimp or a solid conservative. So be glad we now have a solid conservative.
Blog Archive
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- Another Cooked Poll: 3 Swing State Poll with Stack...
- Registered Voter Polls – The Drive-By Media’s Othe...
- Romney Takes the Lead: Quick, COOK TWO POLLS!
- Poorly Stated: What (I *Think*) Todd Akin Really B...
- Why Aren't Liberal Polls Publishing?
- Biblical Conservatism Officially Endorses Romney/R...
- Numbers to Back Poll Cooking Accusations
- Predicting the Liberal Hypocrisy on Paul Ryan
- having a little girl 1st
- Let the Liberal Lies About Ryan Plan Continue!
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- The Left Would've Attacked Any Republican VP This Way
- Romney Knocks It Out of the Park with VP Pick
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