"Money enables what's in a person's heart."
- Matt Krol
i heard this quote 4 or 5 years ago and have always found that it is TRUE.
a lot of people say stuff like "when i have more money, then i'll _______ "
fill in the blank with whatever you want.
basically they're saying they will live differently when they have money. things will be different then and money will be the game changer.
but i say that your heart is the indicator. money is just the enabler.
so if people say - "when i have money, then i'll be generous." they only need to ask 1 question = am i generous now?
because money will simply enable what's already in your heart.
if you live for yourself now... if you're greedy... spend all your money on yourself now...
then, when you have more money you will just do more of the same.
if you are generous now... giving your money away... blessing others... not spending it all on yourself...
then, when you have more money you will just do more of the same.
if you spend your money on YOU now, but you say you will be generous when you have more money...
no you won't.
if you spend your money on YOU now, but you say you will be generous when you have more money...
no you won't.
because having more money won't make you generous.
money just enables what's already in your heart.