we're having a baby!!!

it still seems like some people don't know yet. they're gradually still finding out, so here's 1 more way to go public...

there. in all caps :)

it's wild, i know. i'm still dumbfounded a little bit.  
CRAZY EXCITED and FREAKED OUT still sum up our 2 main emotions... just as they did on that day we found out.

in fact here are a few pics from that day we learned the news ourselves. Crystal made darn sure with the pregnancy tests... 3rd time is a charm i guess.
i was actually on the phone up in my office when she came to talk to me with an extremely serious look on her face. she said "i need you to come downstairs right now." i figured either i was in big trouble or the dog, jack bauer was.

i guess i was kind of in big trouble! but in a good way. here is the 1st couple pics of us after we learned this news that will radically change our lives.
i remember we stopped right there immediately in the middle of the kitchen that night and PRAYED. couldn't think of anything else to do. i remember praying... declaring that we desperately needed God's help. and THANKS for this amazing blessing!

we're trying to pray together for this baby every single night. and we also try to pray for him/her constantly too. we pray that God use this baby for His renown to change the world! we pray that God would keep Crystal and the baby SAFE and healthy.
and we pray for wisdom because we have no idea what we're doing!

thankfully we each had awesome parents who modeled a lot of great things to do in parenting.

let the journey begin.