29 things to know before you hit 30 (part 4)

this is part 4 of 29 Things to Know Before You Hit 30. (from the awesome book by Jason Boyett - The Pocket Guide to Adulthood)
(you can read parts 1 & 2 HERE and HERE respectively.)

12  Prepare for the Worst with a Properly Stocked Medicine Cabinet
ok, i'll admit... i kind of skimmed this one because i'm married to a nurse. i feel like there's SO MANY (29) of these darn things you have to know before you can be an adult (30) that i should get a free pass on this one because of WHO i married!
(although i did make some notes about the suggestions of Vitamin C supplements & green tea. i guess i'll have to look into those.)

13  Blend Your Way to Happiness with a Butt-Kickin' Fruit Smoothie
i hate smoothies. straight up skipped this chapter. a smoothie will NOT give me happiness. but i did dog-ear the page for my wife because she loves smoothies & is always looking for a great recipe - which this chapter provides several.

14  Your 401(K) Should be Aggressive but Diversified
yes! another i can check off the list simply because they call me a "Ramsey-ite". in fact, these recommendations were pretty soft, imho. very thankful to have an aggressive & diversified retirement portfolio & a killer financial advisor who really hooks us up.

15  How Not to Fall Prey to Organ Harvesters or Urban Legends
some REALLY funny stories in this chapter. i think i will reject the lesson and add a few of these urban legends to my story repertoire :) hey, this happened to a friend of a friend... :)

16  Generosity is a Virtue, and Here's Why
was DIGGING this chapter! a couple cool lines like:
"Don't feel guilty for being comfortable. Nope. Feel guilty when you refuse to SHARE that comfort."      
"Materialism builds a shrine to the things we own. Generosity kicks the shrine over and gives away the parts."

love that  :)

17  How to Play Poker Like an Honest-to-Goodness Celebrity
ok, i got addicted to poker in college. played Texas Hold 'Em around the clock for a few semesters when the craze really hit big. haven't played a lot since i lost all our money in a poker tourney on our honeymoon. ok, not ALL our money... just a little.
i'm still game to play anytime anybody wants to hook it up :)

still more to come! learning all i can from this guide to adulthood, because i am about to step into it... adulthood that is.